The objective of active reception is to welcome you to the service department, where you will be thrown directly into your vehicle’s service mix. This means that you will speak directly to a service advisor who has set aside time just for you to discuss your vehicle’s performance. You will partner with a certified technician to perform an instant walkaround inspection of primary systems and components. This provides our customers with the opportunity to share qualitative information about the vehicle’s performance while gaining insights from a certified technician.
Active reception is a brief yet comprehensive walkaround with a certified technician. You can expect a robust conversation about the condition of primary systems and components with the service, including a bumper-to-bumper review. You will be looking inside, outside, and underneath the vehicle, as follows:
Active reception is an excellent way to get the most out of a vehicle and advance our value proposition as we work together to get the most out of a Volkswagen. We can take your vehicle’s service and your maintenance knowledge to the next level of quality through knowledge-sharing and direct communication between you and a certified technician. As you provide the technician with qualitative data that helps improve maintenance execution and service quality, you gain immediate maintenance insights from an accredited expert that can help you get the most out of your vehicle.
Active reception service sometimes finds maintenance or repairs that need to be completed. Rest assured that we have you covered when it comes to the service required to optimize your vehicle’s performance. If an active reception finds that you need any maintenance or repairs, we are here to provide what it needs at Bill Jacobs Volkswagen in Naperville, IL.